Paintings by Harley Weir presents images made as a form of digression from the artist's traditional photographic practice. Known for her intimate and striking portraiture, here Weir presents a series of surface studies made over the course of three years, which link rhythm, colour and form like a melody across pages. Presented as short, rhythmical sequences, the images in Paintings attempt to exist at the threshold of photographic composition, while forming part of Weir's search for a 'pure' image. In this sense, these images can be thought of as both liberation from and a mirror to Weir’s diverse output in fashion, editorial and portraiture photography.
We worked with Harley to translate her exquisite hand-printed images into a beautifully made book, bound in Japanese paper. The images in Paintings are rhythmically sequenced, like a musical score, and a razor-thin flexi-hardcover binding creates a precious yet functional feel to the object.